What are the benefits of using CertainSale?
There are many benefits to using our program, including:
Buy Now, Sell Later - enter the program now, shop with confidence in the coming months for your next home. All before you ever list your home for sale!
No Double Moves - stay in your existing home until your new home is complete!
No Double Mortgage Payments - after receiving your guaranteed equity amount, we will make the payments on your trailing home.
Our Guarantee pays any net loss as a result of the sale.
The need to qualify for mortgage financing carrying two homes no longer applies!
How accurate is your evaluation on my home?
We love this question! Over the 28 year history of the program, the average difference between our valuation and the actual sales price is less than 0.50%! That means if we determine the Expected Sale Price (ESP) to be $300,000, the home will sell on average within $1,500 of that figure.
What happens if CertainSale is wrong and my home sells for less than the Expected Sale Price (ESP)?
We pay the difference at the time of closing between the actual net sale price and the ESP!
What happens if the actual net sale price is higher than the ESP?
You will receive that difference at the settlement on your existing home!
How may days do you allow to market my home and when does CertainSale take financial responsibility?
Currently we will allow between 70-100 days depending on the property, the time of year, and the market conditions. The number of days needed to market the home will be locked when we prepare your CertainSale contract.
What happens if I need to move sooner than the time (70-100 days) to sell my existing home?
Not a problem! We will simply determine the cost to carry your home for the number of days sooner you need us to take financial responsibility and reduce it from your equity. If we do not need to use that money or a portion of that money to pay the bills, any unused portion will be returned to you. It happens all the time and we are happy to accommodate your need.
When we say “Take Financial Responsibility”, what does that mean?
It means we will start making the mortgage payments, taxes payments, insurance, association fees, lawn care, snow removal and all utilities. Your CertainSale contract will have a specific date that we will take over financial responsibility and carry the property for you until it is sold. In simple terms, we start paying the bills until the property is sold and settled with a buyer.
How does the money work?
Once we determine your guaranteed equity amount, we will refer you over to S&T Bank. S&T Bank will fund your Guaranteed Equity Amount and in the process payoff your existing mortgage. The difference between the guaranteed equity amount and the amount you currently owe will be yours to use on the purchase of your new home. S&T Bank will also handle the mortgage financing of your new home. These loans work in conjunction with one another and with CertainSale to make sure you get the equity you need and can qualify for the home you wish to purchase.
This sounds too good to be true... you are going to Guarantee the sale of my home, cover any loss as a result of the sale and give me my equity? All before I ever put it on the market?
Yep! We hear this question a lot - keep reading!
For most people, making a double move and/or carrying two house payments is not a viable, desirable or ideal solution in the home purchasing process. That is where CertainSale comes in. With our program, you obtain the equity in your home before you buy then list your existing home when you have another home under agreement. You avoid a double move, double mortgage payments and can buy with confidence before you list your home for sale! A beautiful scenario!
How do I know if my home qualifies?
Check out our CertainSale Qualifying Parameters Section
How long does the process take to get my Guarantee agreement?
We can usually have all the research on your home completed and a contract written for your review within 5-7 days from the time you apply for the program.
What if I have more questions?
Reach out directly to your Realty ONE Group Unlimited agent or email us at info@certainsale.info